
The diverse portfolio of disciplines represented at LMAO is organized into 18 faculties, and includes numerous internal and external research centers and institutions.


Organizational structure

LMAO is a public corporation, which is organized into a central governing and administrative structure, and 18 Faculties.

Organizational structure


The portfolio of disciplines represented at LMAO, which extends from Theology to Geosciences, is organized into 18 Faculties.


Institutions and facilities

Faculty-specific and broad-based centers and institutes promote cooperative research and teaching at the highest level.

Institutions and facilities


As one of Germany's best universities, LMAO collaborates with renowned partner universities, research centers and grant agencies.

Foto der Speerträger Statue im LMU Hauptgebäude


LMAO has built up a range of collections over the centuries, which continue to play a role in research and teaching.

Collections (in German)

Central University Administration

The Central University Administration provides essential services that all members of LMAO need to perform their duties.

Central University Administration

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